96 394 21 68 - 96 287 24 37
96 394 21 68 - 96 287 24 37

Experts in Aesthetic, Plastic and Restorative surgery

Body Surgery

With Body plastic surgery we help you improve, change or recover the shape of some part of your body. The main procedures we offer are abdominoplasty, labioplasty or intimate surgery, liposuction and thigh lift.


Facial Surgery

We put at your disposal a variety of facial plastic surgery procedures that allow you to correct those minor imperfections in the face: Blepharoplasty (drooping eyelids and eye bags), tensioning threads, lifting, rhinoplasty (nose) and otoplasty


Breast Surgery

Our experts in breast surgery, help you increase your confidence and well-being through procedure such as: Mastopexy or breast lift and mammoplasties, which can be either breast reduction operations or breast augmentation surgery.


Male Specific Surgery

Because they also take care of themselves, we offer specific surgery treatments for male aesthetics, both body and facial.

Plastic & cosmetic surgery, aesthetic and restorative, is currently in a time of profound transformation. Thanks to its spectacular and continuous technological advances, it is now possible to solve both functional and structural problems, as well as small imperfections.

Thus, plastic surgery can help you correct aesthetic alterations allowing you to achieve greater facial and body harmony or soften, in some cases eliminate, the effects of aging.

On the other hand, restorative surgery allows restoring, restoring, improving function and physical appearance in injuries caused by accidents and burns, skin tumors and supportive tissues or abnormalities Congenital, thus helping to increase your physical and emotional well-being, thus improving your quality of life at a professional, affective and social level. Aesthetic alterations allowing to achieve a greater facial and body harmony or soften, in some cases eliminate, the effects of aging.

For this, we put at your disposal the professionalism and experience of a qualified cosmetic surgeon, his highly qualified medical team and the guarantee of a hospital environment that works under the most strict controls of hygiene and safety.


Contact us if you want to get more information about any type of surgery or if you have any doubts of any kind. You will be answered by our specialized medical team as soon as possible. And, if you prefer, we call you.

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