96 394 21 68 - 96 287 24 37
96 394 21 68 - 96 287 24 37
Lifting Facial Valencia y Gandía Dr. Julio Puig

Facelift & Neck Lift in Valencia | Gandia

turn back the clock 
eliminates the most visible signs of ageing

Characteristics of Facial Lifting

  • bisturi para cirugia
    Procedure: Tight skin and muscles of face and neck.
  • duración de la intervención
    Duration of Cosmetic Surgery: Approximately 2-3 hours.
  • anestesia
    Type of Anesthesia: General.
  • el hospital donde operamos
    Hospitalization: 24-hour hospital admission.
  • Recovery: Rest the first week.

What is Lifting or Facial Rejuvenation?

Face lift surgery, also known as rhytidectomy, is one of the most commonly requested procedures by both men and women who want to look as young as they feel.

Facelifts are more popular than ever.

The facelift surgery or rhytidectomy is a plastic surgery intervention to achieve a facial rejuvenation, which visibly improves the most obvious signs of aging, by retensioning the facial skin and muscles of the face and neck, eliminating the surplus of skin, aiming to make folds and wrinkles disappear.

The facelift surgery is usually combined with other facial surgeries such as Blepharoplasty to correct excess skin and eyelid bags in order to give a much more rejuvenated appearance to the face.

The incisions needed for a facelift go through the area of ​​the hair, surround the earlobe and ascend behind the ear to the scalp. The scars, which gradually become imperceptible, are “completely hidden” in the hair and in the back and front folds of the ear, maintaining its natural appearance after the facelift surgery.

After the initial examination, plastic surgeon Dr. Julio Puig will explain what the face lift surgery consists of, if you need preparation and how it is the postoperative and recovery.

Face and Neck Lift: Types of Facial Rejuvenation

lifting, estiramiento o rejuvenecimiento facial Dr. Puig en Valencia

The most complete, and possibly the most effective, facelift is the full facelift, which involves isolating and elevating both layers of the face: the connective tissue layer and the skin. 

Recovery from this type of cosmetic surgery is a little longer, but the results are often the most natural and long-lasting.

A facelift or rejuvenation rejuvenates the lower cheeks, jaw, and neck. Many variations of the face lift technique have been developed, and their names may be familiar to you, such as “limited incision face lift,” “weekend face lift,” or “mini facelift.

These techniques also elevate connective tissue and skin, but use less extensive approaches that often result in faster healing and less downtime. We prefer to call this limited procedure a “Mini-facelift”, and it works best on those with early signs of ageing.

We advise you on what is best for your face and neck.

Who is a good candidate for a Facelift?

Aumento de pecho en Valencia Dr. Puig: Sientete bien

In general, a good candidate for a thigh lift is one who:

  • You are physically healthy.
  • They have realistic expectations of what can be achieved with the intervention.
  • You are a non-smoker or at least you will stop smoking when your surgeon tells you to.
  • You can avoid taking aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • You are not happy with the sagging skin on your face and neck.

A Thread Tightening procedure, as well as any other surgery is a very personal procedure and therefore the person who is thinking about it, must do it by himself, not to satisfy the desires of another person, or to try to adapt to any type of ideal image. The decision is very personal, and the person who is thinking about it, must decide if the benefits you will achieve coincide with your goals, as well as if the risks and possible complications of cosmetic surgery are acceptable.

Features of the Face Lift or Rhytidectomy

  • en que consiste
    Facial Lifting: The facelift (rhytidectomy), is a surgical procedure that consists of tightening the skin and muscles of the face and neck, removing excess skin, thus making wrinkles disappear. It is possible to combine the facelift intervention with other treatments such as blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery to eliminate fat and bags in the eyes.
  • bisturi para cirugia
    The Surgery: Muscles, facial fat and skin are repositioned, tightening facial muscles. The resulting scars are hidden in the hairline and are barely noticeable.
  • resultado natural de la operacion
    Result of Operation: With this procedure a smooth and wrinkle-free face is achieved.
  • Surgical Intervention: The surgeon will perform the face lift in all cases under general anesthesia. The duration of the facelift operation is between 2 and 3 hours. The patient's stay in the clinic or hospital is 24 hours.
  • Recovery: For a good face lift recovery, the patient is advised to rest during the first week. It should be noted that, during the first few days and temporarily, the facelift may cause a numbing sensation in certain areas of the face.
  • Tips for a quick recovery:Do not expose the skin to the sun. Control discomfort with analgesics. After about two weeks, the patient will begin to appreciate the first results of the intervention. Results are seen after one month and are definitive after 3 months.

Postoperative: after a Facelift

Cirujano plástico en Valencia y Gandía Dr.Puig

After a facelift there will be some discomfort and swelling in the area: Keep resting that day and see gradually recovering your usual activity. 

In the consultation with Dr. Puig after the operation we will give you specific instructions on:

  • How to heal wounds, scars….
  • Some guidelines on the activities to be carried out in the days following the operation.
  • Medications to apply or take orally to reduce postoperative pain, help healing and reduce the possibility of infection, bruising…
  • What symptoms or signs should I watch for in the intervened area and in the general state of health that may be indicative of some type of discomfort.
  • The schedule of follow-up visits after surgery.

Side effects of a facelift may occasionally arise, such as:

  • Hematoma, which is the accumulation of blood beneath the skin.
  • Nerve injury resulting in loss of sensation or movement in the face.
  • Asymmetrical appearance of facial features, including the position of the earlobe.
  • Hair loss or reduced hair growth around the scars, which may be permanent.
  • Development of thick, noticeable scars.

Furthermore, your facelift like any surgical procedure carries a small risk of:

  • Excessive bleeding.
  • Formation of blood clots in veins.
  • Infection.
  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia.

Dr. Julio Puig will inform you about the probability of these risks and complications occurring, as well as the corresponding treatments in case they do occur.

In case of severe pain or any unforeseen symptoms, you should contact with Dr. Julio Puig.

Before and After Face Lifting Photos

You can see in the photos that follow several cases of before and after, of patients who have undergone a facelift intervention in Valencia in the clinic of Dr. Julio Puig.

Face Lift or Rhytidectomy Questions and Answers

  • Am I a good candidate for facelift?Tense the middle third of the face (cheekbones and commissures of the mouthThe best facelift patient is in good health, is a non-smoker, and can avoid medications such as aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs for two weeks before surgery. The candidate is also unhappy with the sagging skin of the face and neck, which leads to an aged and tired appearance.
  • How is a facelift different from a midface lift? A facelift is designed to improve the lower third of the face and neck. A midface lift, on the other hand, will elevate the soft tissues of the cheeks. These two procedures can be combined in patients with flattened cheeks, jowls and sagging neck.
  • I just want to improve my neck. Is this possible without a facelift? Yes, in some patients the neck can be tightened without a full facelift. The procedure, to "lift the neck," usually involves making only the incision under the chin, and tightening the underlying muscle layer in the middle. Neck liposuction can also be used.
  • My eyes look tired, can I combine facelift and blepharoplasty? A facelift does not improve the appearance of the eyes, but this can be accomplished with a procedure called blepharoplasty. This procedure involves removing excess tissue from the eyelids to create a younger, fresher look. You may also consider a brow lift to lift the eyebrows to a more youthful position. Both can be combined with the facelift.
  • Can other procedures be done at the same time as a facelift? Yes, it can. Quite often patients want their eyes, eyebrows and/or midface to improve at the same time. Performing multiple procedures on the same day does not lengthen recovery time, and allows the patient to achieve many goals with a single surgery.

Facial Lifting: the price of intervention, Financing and Calculation of Quotas

How much does a facelift cost? The price of the operation

From 4500 €

The cost of a facelift surgery depends on many factors, among which we can highlight the area to be treated (only face or face and neck), the fees of the anesthesiologist, operating room rental costs, medical tests that the surgeon deems appropriate before surgery, surgical materials used during the operation, the surgeon’s own minutes, the length of stay of the patient in the hospital, as well as subsequent visits during the postoperative period and follow-up visits that are made later to see the evolution of the surgery during the first year.…

That is why, when you as a possible patient ask us about the price of a face lift, you must understand that we are not going to be able to give you a closed price in advance before the first visit, in which we make an assessment of the characteristics and needs of your particular case. For Dr. Puig and his team, the most important thing is your health and in any case the price depends on the personal characteristics of each patient.

Financing conditions

24 to 60 months (2-5 years) term financing

  • Financing in terms of 24 to 60 months.
  • Opening commission of 2 to 6% of the amount requested depending on the number of quotas.
  • Interest of 9.9% TIN.
  • You can finance any amount from 1500€ to 5500€.

Calculate your loan payment


Make an appointment for Rhytidectomy

If you want to know more about the facelift, call us or request an appointment and we will attend you with total confidence, without commitment and under the strictest confidentiality. Consult us and we will give you all the information and details you need to know in our clinics, (price of the facial rejuvenation surgery Valencia, included in the same, preoperative and postoperative doubts, alternative treatments …). And if you prefer, we’ll call you. Dr Julio Puig is an expert in plastic surgery and with all the equipment of our clinics in Valencia and Gandia you have all the guarantees.

The facial plastic interventions that you may be interested as a patient and that we performed in the facial aesthetic clinics in Valencia and Gandía by the plastic surgeon Dr. Julio Puig, are:

Blepharoplasty, Facial Threads, Face Lifting, Rhinoplasty, Otoplasty 

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    Facial Lifting Valencia | Valencia Facial Stretch | Facial Rejuvenation Valencia | Gandia Facial Lifting