96 394 21 68 - 96 287 24 37
96 394 21 68 - 96 287 24 37

Mammaplasty: Breast Surgery Valencia | Gandia

Breast Enlargement

Improves the shape and increases the size of your breast.



Breast Lifting

It raises the chest and regains the shape of the fallen chest after pregnancy , gravity or with age.

Breast Surgery Reduction

It helps you reduce excessive breast volume and reshape your breasts.


Tuberous Breast Deformities

Correct this genetic anomaly and look perfect breasts and to your liking.


Breast Asymmetry

Get rid of your uneven breasts and wear beautiful perfect balanced breasts.


Dr Puig explains this video all the doubts you may have about breast surgery.

We are experts in mammoplasty or breast surgery and we know how important your breast is to your image. Getting the best of yourself helps you feel better every day.

Our team, led by the plastic surgeon with more than twenty years of experience Dr. Julio Puig, will help you make the best decision so that the results of your breast surgery are the best in every way.


On your first visit we will evaluate your general health and inform you about the type of breast surgery that is most appropriate for your case, based on the shape of your breasts, your anatomy and the quality of your skin.

All breast surgery interventions are performed in operating theaters within the hospital setting. The operations are performed under general anesthesia and last between one hour and one and a half hours depending on the procedure, after which we leave suction drains for 24 hours. And a modeling bandage that is usually removed in a couple of days. After the mammoplasty, the patient will remain in the clinic for 24 hours, according to the evolution, being evaluated and controlled until the end of the process.

Make an appointment with Dr. Puig for your Breast Surgery

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions related to any plastic or cosmetic surgery such as breast augmentation, reduction, or breast lift surgery.

The consultations in our clinics in Valencia and Gandia are treated with confidentiality. We will answer as soon as possible.

Contacto clinicas de estética en Valencia y Gandía Dr. puig

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