96 394 21 68 - 96 287 24 37
96 394 21 68 - 96 287 24 37
Cirugía de pechos asimetricos Valencia y Gandía Dr Puig

Asymmetrical Breast Surgery Valencia | Gandía

Get some breasts.
completely symmetrical and natural-looking


Characteristics of Breast Asymmetry Correction Intervention

  • bisturi para cirugia
    Procedure: Its purpose is to equal the shape, size, volume and general aspect of the two breasts.
  • duración de la intervención
    Duration of Surgery: Approximately 1 to 4 hrs.
  • anestesia
    Type of anaesthesia: General or intravenous sedation.
  • el hospital donde operamos
    Hospitalization: Hospital admission with discharge at 24 hrs according to evolution.
  • Recovery: 3-4 days with analgesics and bandage. Approximate recovery in 2 weeks.

Breast Asymmetry: What are uneven breast?

The asymmetry of breast size is a surprisingly common concern among adolescent women and even among adult women. Breast asymmetry refers to when a woman’s breasts are of a different size and is defined as a difference in size, shape, position or volume of the breast, different size or shape of the nipple, or irregular position of the nipple, and affects more than half of all women.

Typically, the asymmetry is more noticeable during puberty and, finally, the size of the breasts equal during development. However, up to 25 percent of women have persistent visible breast asymmetry.

The exact cause of asymmetric sinuses is unknown, but potential contributors include hormonal changes or traumatic injuries. Occasionally, an underlying medical or skeletal condition can cause asymmetric breasts such as juvenile or virginal hypertrophy of the breast, a very rare problem in which one breast grows significantly more than the other, causing physical and psychological problems, and with surgery.

Generally, small differences in a woman’s breasts are not important. However, if the differences are greater than the size of a bra cup, they can cause some psychological distress, particularly during adolescence, when the body and mind of a young woman are already changing so rapidly.

If a woman has persistent and visible breast asymmetry, she should consult a doctor for further evaluation. A surgical procedure of augmentation or reduction may be performed, if the person with the asymmetry wishes, to make the breasts more symmetrical after the development is completed.

The Candidates for the operation of asymmetric breasts

Aumento de pecho en Valencia Dr. Puig: Sientete bien

If you have a difference in size or shape between your breasts known as breast asymmetry or Poland syndrome, we can improve it with surgery. The ideal candidates for this plastic surgery intervention are women who:

  • They have visible differences in shape and / or size of their breasts.
  • They are medically healthy.
  • They have a normal weight and do not expect to get pregnant in the short term.
  • They have realistic expectations about what they can achieve with surgery.
  • They need to use padded bras to disguise the differences between breasts.
  • They feel anguish and shame when showing their breasts.

You will no longer have to disguise your breasts or limit yourself to certain types of clothing that can significantly increase your self-esteem. This plastic surgery is one of the most rewarding, since it makes patients feel better about themselves and improve their quality of life.

Characteristics of the Operation to correct Breast Asymmetry

  • en que consiste
    Uneven Breast Surgery: It is an operation of aesthetic surgery whose purpose is to equal the form, size, volume and general aspect of the two breasts. It is aimed at women whose breast development has concluded and whose breasts have different shape, size or volume and appearance.
  • Surgical Intervention: The intervention is performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation (in the consultation we will determine the best option for your particular case) and has an approximate duration of 1 to 4 hours depending on the appropriate techniques for each patient. This surgery requires admission to the hospital, with discharge as usual the day after surgery.
  • bisturi para cirugia
    Surgical Techniques: The best solution for the surgical intervention for the correction of the mammary asymmetry of the unequal breasts, varies between each person, since the appearance of the mammary asymmetry is variable. To decide the best option, you will have to answer questions such as:
    • -Do you prefer larger or smaller breast volume?.
    • -Do you think your nipples are in a low position?.
    • -Are your nipples and the brown area around them (the areola) normal?.
    • -Do your breasts have a normal shape?.
    Depending on the answers to these questions, you may require surgery for one or both breasts, which may involve:
    • -A breast reduction of your larger breast.
    • -A breast enlargement of your smaller breast.
    • -A breast lift (mastopexy) on one or both breasts if your nipple is in a low position.
    • -Surgery to reduce the size of one or both areolas (the brown area around the nipple).
    • -Surgery to reduce the prominence of your areolas if they are vaulted and elevated.
    In many cases, a combination of the above procedures is needed to improve asymmetry.
  • Recovery: Recovery time is about 2 weeks.

  • Tips for a quick recovery: Avoid sudden movements and rest for a period of 1 week.

The postoperative and recovery of the intervention

Cirujano plástico en Valencia y Gandía Dr.Puig

Usually, you will need a night in the hospital after any cosmetic surgery to improve breast asymmetry.

After the surgery, you will need a lot of rest and recuperation, since your breasts will feel sore and bruised, and it is likely that they will also swell during the first days. We will give you analgesics to calm the pain, and you can apply ice to the painful areas. You should use a light bandage for a couple of weeks and a soft sports bra that you should use for 4 to 6 weeks.

  • When you get home, do not try to do any of your normal household chores, such as cleaning, putting on clothes or putting them in order. Try to avoid doing anything that requires lifting or stretching, as well as not picking up heavy objects.
  • The recovery time depends on the surgical procedure that has been performed. If you have an implant or prosthesis, the standard recovery of the implant is six weeks. And the same applies to most breast lifts.
  • While each patient’s healing process is unique, most patients feel ready to return to work a few days after surgery.
  • It is important to keep in mind that some techniques of breast reduction and breast lift may decrease your chances of successfully breastfeeding future babies.
  • You can expect that the final results of the corrective surgery of the unequal breasts will be stable after 6 months if you are older than 18 years since your breasts are no longer growing.

If you have had breast augmentation as part of this surgery, you will have breast implants. These tend to last for ten to fifteen years, so once that time has passed they may need to be removed or replaced.

Keep in mind that, in many cases, it is not possible to achieve absolute symmetry, therefore, we seek improvement instead of perfection. Breasts are subject to the aging process, severity, pregnancy and childbirth, so if you gain or lose weight, your breasts will also change in size and shape.

Asymmetric Breast Surgery Price: Financing and Calculation of Fees

How much does uneven breast surgery cost?

From 4000 €

When you as a patient ask us about the price of breast asymmetry surgery, you should keep in mind that for us the most important thing is your health and that in any case, the final price of the breast augmentation operation depends on the personal characteristics of each patient.

You should also know that the final price is influenced by certain variables, such as the technique to be used, which may vary from one patient to another, the time spent in the operating room, the type of implant, the type and length of hospital stay

Therefore, we cannot give you a CLOSED price in advance before the first visit in which we make an assessment of the characteristics and needs of each patient.

Financing conditions

24 to 60 months (2-5 years) term financing

  • Financing in terms of 24 to 60 months.
  • Opening commission of 2 to 6% of the amount requested depending on the number of quotas.
  • Interest of 9.9% TIN.
  • You can finance any amount from 1500€ to 5500€.

Calculate your loan payment


Request an appointment for your breast asymmetry surgery

If you notice that your breasts do not have the same shape and/or size, the nipples are not located in the same position …, surgery breast asymmetry could be the right solution to make your breasts look the same, and in this way you can feel more secure and with greater confidence. The best way to know if you have unequal breasts, as well as the most appropriate technique for your particular case u to correct and match them, is to consult with an accredited cosmetic surgeon experienced in this surgery.Remember that the first appointment is free and sometimes it is much more effective to speak personally with the doctor. Call us or make an appointment at our clinics in Valencia or Gandia and we will assist you with total confidence, without commitment, and under the strictest confidentiality. And if you prefer, we’ll call you.

Dr. Julio Puig has extensive experience in the most innovative surgical techniques so that the care process is the safest and most appropriate for each patient.

The interventions of Cosmetic Surgery of breasts in which you can be interested and realized in the cosmetic surgery clinics of the plastic surgeon Dr. Julio Puig, are:

Mastopexy (Breast Lift),  Breast Reduction ValenciaBreast AugmentationTuberous BreastAsymmetrical Breast

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